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Hokej: Najpoužívanejšie slovíčka, frázy a otázky v angličtine

19. januára 2025

Pokračujeme v našom seriáli, kde máš možnosť naučiť sa a aktívne používať slovnú zásobu. Poslúži ti zoznam najčastejšie používaných slovíčok, fráz a konverzačné otázky – tentoraz na tému, ktorá je mnohým Slovákom blízka a veľa ľudí s v nej cíti doma – hokej.

Top 50 anglických slovíčok na tému Ľadový hokej

Základné pojmy (Basic Terms):

  1. Ice hockey – ľadový hokej
    A team sport played on ice where players use sticks to hit a puck into the opponent’s goal.
  2. Rink – klzisko
    The ice surface where the game is played.
  3. Puck – puk
    A flat, round object made of rubber used in ice hockey.
  4. Stick – hokejka
    A long, curved piece of equipment used to hit the puck.
  5. Skates – korčule
    Footwear with blades used for gliding on ice.
  6. Goal – bránka
    The net structure where players score points by hitting the puck into it.
  7. Helmet – prilba
    Protective headgear worn by players.
  8. Gloves – rukavice
    Hand protection used by players during the game.
  9. Padding – výstroj na ochranu (napr. chrániče)
    Protective gear to prevent injuries.
  10. Jersey – dres
    The uniform worn by players to represent their team.

Pravidlá a hrateľnosť (Rules and Gameplay):

  1. Face-off – buly
    The method to start or restart play by dropping the puck between two players.
  2. Penalty – trest
    A punishment for breaking the rules, often involving time spent in the penalty box.
  3. Power play – presilovka
    When one team has more players on the ice due to an opponent’s penalty.
  4. Offside – postavenie mimo hry
    A rule violation when a player enters the offensive zone before the puck.
  5. Icing – zakázané uvoľnenie
    A rule violation when a player sends the puck across the ice without it being touched.
  6. Period – tretina
    One of three 20-minute segments in an ice hockey game.
  7. Overtime – predĺženie
    Extra time added if the score is tied at the end of regular play.
  8. Goalie – brankár
    The player who defends the goal and prevents the puck from entering.
  9. Assist – asistencia
    A pass leading directly to a goal.
  10. Breakaway – samostatný nájazd
    A situation where a player gets past the defenders and has a clear path to the goal.

Pozície (Positions):

  1. Forward – útočník
    A player responsible for scoring goals.
  2. Defenseman – obranca
    A player responsible for stopping the opponent from scoring.
  3. Center – center
    A forward who plays in the middle of the ice.
  4. Winger – krídelník
    A forward who plays along the sides of the rink.
  5. Captain – kapitán
    A player who leads the team and communicates with referees.

Výstroj (Equipment):

  1. Visor – štítok (na prilbe)
    A protective shield attached to a helmet to guard the face.
  2. Mouthguard – chránič na zuby
    A device worn in the mouth to protect teeth.
  3. Elbow pads – chrániče lakťov
    Protective gear for the elbows.
  4. Shin guards – chrániče holení
    Protective gear for the lower legs.
  5. Goalie pads – brankárske chrániče
    Special equipment worn by goalies to block shots.

Herné situácie a pojmy (Gameplay and Situations):

  1. Shootout – samostatné nájazdy
    A tiebreaker where players take turns trying to score against the goalie.
  2. Slap shot – prudká strela
    A powerful shot made by striking the puck with full force.
  3. Pass – prihrávka
    Sending the puck to a teammate.
  4. Save – zákrok
    When the goalie stops the puck from entering the net.
  5. Check – stretnutie
    A defensive move to block or stop an opponent.
  6. Penalty box – trestná lavica
    The area where players sit when serving penalties.
  7. Hat-trick – hetrik
    When a player scores three goals in a single game.
  8. Referee (Ref) – rozhodca
    The official who enforces the rules during a game.
  9. Linesman – čiarový rozhodca
    An official who assists with face-offs, offsides, and icing calls.
  10. Body check – fyzický stret
    A move where a player uses their body to block an opponent.

Štadión a atmosféra (Stadium and Atmosphere):

  1. Arena – štadión
    The venue where hockey games are played.
  2. Bench – lavička
    Where players sit when not on the ice.
  3. Crowd – diváci
    The audience watching the game.
  4. Fan – fanúšik
    Someone who supports a particular team.
  5. Cheer – povzbudzovať
    To shout or clap in support of a team.
  6. Scoreboard – výsledková tabuľa
    A display showing the score and time remaining.
  7. Locker room – šatňa
    The room where players prepare before the game.
  8. Team spirit – tímový duch
    A sense of unity and support among team members.
  9. Warm-up – rozcvička
    Exercises players do before a game to prepare.
  10. Victory – víťazstvo
    Winning a game or competition.

Frázy (15 fráz)

  1. Can you explain the icing rule to me?
    Vieš mi vysvetliť pravidlo o zakázanom uvoľnení?
  2. Who’s your favorite ice hockey player?
    Kto je tvoj obľúbený hokejista?
  3. The goalie made an amazing save!
    Brankár urobil úžasný zákrok!
  4. Let’s grab some tickets for the game this weekend.
    Poďme si kúpiť lístky na zápas tento víkend.
  5. The power play gave them an advantage.
    Presilovka im dala výhodu.
  6. He scored a hat-trick last night.
    Včera večer strelil hetrik.
  7. How do you think the team can improve their defense?
    Ako si myslíš, že tím môže zlepšiť obranu?
  8. The referee made a controversial call.
    Rozhodca urobil sporné rozhodnutie.
  9. This arena is packed with fans!
    Táto aréna je plná fanúšikov!
  10. They need to pass the puck faster.
    Musia rýchlejšie prihrávať puk.
  11. I love the energy at live games.
    Milujem energiu na živých zápasoch.
  12. The breakaway goal was incredible!
    Gól zo samostatného nájazdu bol neuveriteľný!
  13. Do you prefer watching hockey or playing it?
    Máš radšej sledovanie hokeja alebo jeho hranie?
  14. Their teamwork is what makes them so successful.
    Ich tímová práca je dôvodom ich úspechu.
  15. The crowd went wild after that goal!
    Diváci šialene reagovali po tom góle!

Tieto slová a frázy môžu slúžiť ako užitočný nástroj na precvičovanie a diskusiu na tému ľadového hokeja.

30 otázok na tému „Slovná zásoba z ľadového hokeja“

1. Osobné skúsenosti s hokejom

  1. Have you ever played ice hockey, or would you like to try it?
  2. Do you enjoy watching ice hockey games on TV or live at the stadium? Why?
  3. What is your favorite hockey team, and why do you support them?
  4. Have you ever been to a hockey game at an arena? What was the atmosphere like?
  5. Do you know anyone who plays ice hockey?

2. Pravidlá a priebeh hry

  1. Can you explain the basic rules of ice hockey?
  2. What does the term „offside“ mean in ice hockey?
  3. How does a team score a goal in ice hockey?
  4. Why do you think penalties are given in ice hockey? Can you name some examples?
  5. How long does an ice hockey game usually last?

3. Výstroj (Equipment)

  1. What equipment do ice hockey players need to wear?
  2. Why is a helmet so important in ice hockey?
  3. What is the purpose of a hockey stick?
  4. What kind of skates do players use in ice hockey?
  5. Can you describe the goalie’s equipment? How is it different from other players‘?

4. Pozície a tímy

  1. What are the main positions in ice hockey (e.g., forward, defenseman, goaltender)?
  2. What does a captain do on an ice hockey team?
  3. How many players are on the ice for each team during the game?
  4. What is the role of a coach in ice hockey?
  5. Why do you think teamwork is important in ice hockey?

5. Štadión a prostredie (Stadium and Environment)

  1. Have you ever visited an ice hockey arena? Can you describe it?
  2. What is the surface of the ice rink like?
  3. Why is it important to keep the ice smooth during the game?
  4. What do you think of the atmosphere at a live hockey game?
  5. How do fans typically show support for their team at the stadium?

6. Stratégie a herné momenty (Strategies and Key Moments)

  1. What do you think makes a good hockey player?
  2. Can you describe a “power play” situation in ice hockey?
  3. How do teams prepare for an important match?
  4. What is your favorite moment during a hockey game (e.g., scoring, fights, saves)?
  5. What would you say is the most exciting part of ice hockey?

Tieto otázky pokrývajú široké spektrum tém, od základných pravidiel, cez výstroj, až po kultúrny zážitok z hokeja. Sú ideálne na diskusiu a rozšírenie slovnej zásoby.