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Rybačka: slovíčka, frázy a konverzačné otázky na zlepšenie angličtiny

22. januára 2025

Ďalšou témou je krásna záľuba a obľúbená činnosť nielen na Slovensku. Ak občas chodíš na ryby, k téme rybačka môžeš mať blízko aj v angličtine. Stačí si prejsť nasledujúce riadky, kde nájdeš výber najpoužívanejších slov, špecifické frázy, ktoré používajú rybári a tiež návrhy na konverzačné orázky k tejto téme.

50 anglických slovíčok s prekladom a vysvetlením


  1. Fishing rod – rybársky prút – A long, flexible rod used to catch fish.
  2. Reel – navijak – A device attached to a fishing rod to wind and store the fishing line.
  3. Fishing line – rybársky vlasec – A thin, strong line used to catch fish.
  4. Hook – háčik – A curved metal tool used to catch fish by piercing their mouth.
  5. Bait – návnada – Something used to attract fish, such as worms or artificial lures.
  6. Lure – nástraha – An artificial bait designed to mimic small fish or insects.
  7. Sinker – olovko – A small weight used to sink the bait deeper in the water.
  8. Bobber – plavák – A floating device used to indicate when a fish bites.
  9. Tackle box – rybárska krabička – A container for storing fishing gear.
  10. Net – sieť – A tool for catching or landing fish.
  11. Catch-and-release – chytiť a pustiť – A fishing practice where caught fish are released back into the water.
  12. Angler – rybár – Someone who fishes with a rod and line.
  13. Fly fishing – muškárenie – A type of fishing using artificial flies as bait.
  14. Spinning rod – prívlačový prút – A rod used for spinning fishing.
  15. Casting – nahadzovanie – Throwing the bait or lure into the water.
  16. Trolling – trolling – Fishing by dragging bait behind a moving boat.
  17. Line knot – uzol – A specific knot used to tie a hook or lure to the line.
  18. Fishing permit – rybárske povolenie – A license required for fishing in certain areas.
  19. Freshwater – sladká voda – Water found in rivers, lakes, and ponds.
  20. Saltwater – slaná voda – Water in seas and oceans.
  21. Catch – úlovok – The fish that are caught.
  22. Casting distance – vzdialenosť nahadzovania – How far the bait or lure can be cast.
  23. Rod tip – špička prútu – The top part of a fishing rod.
  24. Landing net – podberák – A net used to lift fish out of the water.
  25. Fishfinder – sonar – A device used to locate fish underwater.
  26. Barbless hook – háčik bez protihrotu – A hook designed for easier catch-and-release.
  27. Overfishing – nadmerný rybolov – Catching too many fish, leading to a decline in fish populations.
  28. Aquatic – vodný – Related to water or organisms living in water.
  29. Species – druh – A specific type of fish or animal.
  30. Habitat – biotop – The natural environment where fish live.
  31. Fishing license – rybársky lístok – A legal document allowing fishing.
  32. Predator fish – dravá ryba – Fish that hunt other fish.
  33. School of fish – kŕdeľ rýb – A group of fish swimming together.
  34. Fishing pier – rybárske mólo – A platform extending over water for fishing.
  35. Catch limit – limit úlovkov – The maximum number of fish you’re allowed to catch.
  36. Baitfish – návnadová ryba – Small fish used as bait to catch larger fish.
  37. Tackle – výstroj – General term for fishing equipment.
  38. Casting reel – nahadzovací navijak – A reel designed for accurate casting.
  39. Trout – pstruh – A common freshwater fish.
  40. Salmon – losos – A popular fish for both sport and food.
  41. Pike – šťuka – A predatory freshwater fish.
  42. Bass – ostriež – A popular freshwater sport fish.
  43. Carp – kapor – A common fish found in lakes and rivers.
  44. Hook size – veľkosť háčika – The size of the hook used.
  45. Catch ratio – pomer úlovkov – The number of fish caught compared to time spent fishing.
  46. Fish scale – šupina – The outer covering of a fish’s body.
  47. Bite – záber – When a fish takes the bait.
  48. Cast net – vrhacia sieť – A net thrown to catch small fish.
  49. Ice fishing – rybolov na ľade – Fishing through holes in frozen water.
  50. Fishing trip – rybársky výlet – A planned outing to fish.


  1. Cast your line – Nahodiť vlasec – To throw the fishing line into the water.
  2. Reel it in – Namotať vlasec – To wind the line back onto the reel.
  3. Hook a fish – Chytiť rybu – To catch a fish on the hook.
  4. Catch and release – Chytiť a pustiť – To release fish back into the water after catching them.
  5. Drop a line – Nahodiť vlasec – To start fishing.
  6. Fish for compliments – Rýpať si o komplimenty – To seek praise (figurative phrase).
  7. Bite the bait – Zobrať návnadu – To fall for a trick or take the bait.
  8. Gone fishing – Išiel na ryby – A phrase used to mean taking a break or not available.
  9. Hold the rod steady – Držať prút pevne – To keep the fishing rod still.
  10. Tighten the drag – Utiahni brzdu – Adjust the reel to control the line tension.
  11. Keep your line taut – Napni vlasec – To keep the fishing line tight.
  12. Set the hook – Zaseknúť háčik – To pull the rod sharply to secure the hook in the fish’s mouth.
  13. Land the fish – Priviesť rybu na breh – To bring the fish out of the water successfully.
  14. It’s a keeper – To si necháme – A fish worth keeping.
  15. Throw it back – Hoď to späť – To release a fish back into the water.
Rybačka - angličtina pre rybárov

30 otázok na konverzáciu na tému: Rybačka (Fishing)

1. General Questions

  1. Have you ever been fishing before? If so, where?
  2. What do you like most about fishing?
  3. How did you learn to fish?
  4. Do you prefer fishing in a lake, river, or at sea?
  5. What’s the largest fish you’ve ever caught?
  6. Is fishing more about relaxation or sport for you?
  7. Have you ever been on a fishing trip with friends or family?
  8. What kind of fish is common in your area?
  9. Do you have a favorite fishing spot?
  10. Do you think fishing is more about skill or luck?

2. Techniques and Equipment

  1. What kind of fishing rod do you use? Do you have a favorite brand?
  2. Have you ever tried fly fishing? If not, would you like to?
  3. What’s your go-to bait when fishing?
  4. Do you prefer using live bait or artificial lures?
  5. Have you ever fished with a net instead of a rod?
  6. Do you know how to tie fishing knots? Which one is your favorite?
  7. Have you ever gone deep-sea fishing?
  8. What’s the most challenging type of fishing in your opinion?
  9. What’s the difference between spinning and baitcasting rods?
  10. Do you use any modern gadgets, like fish finders, when fishing?

3. Personal Experiences

  1. Can you share a funny or unexpected fishing story?
  2. Have you ever caught something other than fish while fishing?
  3. What’s the longest you’ve waited to catch a fish?
  4. Have you ever fished in another country? What was it like?
  5. Do you eat the fish you catch, or do you prefer catch-and-release?
  6. Have you ever lost a big fish? How did it happen?
  7. Do you enjoy fishing alone or with company?
  8. Have you ever taught someone else how to fish?
  9. Do you think fishing is a relaxing or stressful activity?
  10. What’s your dream fishing destination?