Pokračujeme v našom seriáli, kde predstavujeme slovnú zásobu a základné konverzačné frázy na špecifické témy. Tento raz je to atraktívna téma, ktorá je často spúšťačom tážby po ovládaní angličtiny – cestovanie.
Hneď na začiatok si povedzme, že slovíčko aircraft znamená lietadlo a má nepravidelné množné číslo – slovo lietadlá sú v angličtine rovnako ako v jednotnom čísle – aircraft.
Slovník (50 slov)
1. Základné pojmy (Basic Terms)
- Budget airline – nízkonákladová letecká spoločnosť
An airline that offers cheaper tickets by reducing services. - Low-cost flight – lacný let
A flight that is cheaper than a regular one. - Ticket – letenka
A document that allows you to travel on a plane. - Fare – cestovné, cena letenky
The price you pay for a journey. - Booking – rezervácia
The act of arranging a flight or trip in advance. - Boarding pass – palubná vstupenka
A document that allows you to enter the plane. - Baggage – batožina
The bags and suitcases you take with you when you travel. - Carry-on luggage – príručná batožina
Small luggage you take on the plane. - Checked baggage – zapísaná batožina
Luggage placed in the airplane’s cargo area. - Overweight baggage – nadváhová batožina
Baggage that exceeds the weight limit.
2. Na letisku (At the Airport)
- Departure – odlet
The act of leaving, especially by plane. - Arrival – prílet
The act of reaching a destination. - Check-in – odbavenie
The process of registering at the airport before a flight. - Gate – odletová brána
The area where passengers board a plane. - Delay – meškanie
When a flight leaves later than scheduled. - Cancellation – zrušenie
The act of stopping a flight from taking place. - Security check – bezpečnostná kontrola
A process where passengers are checked for safety reasons. - Boarding – nastupovanie do lietadla
The process of getting on a plane. - Layover – prestup / medzipristátie
A short stop between flights when traveling to a destination. - Terminal – terminál
A building at an airport where passengers arrive or depart.
3. V lietadle (On the Plane)
- Aisle seat – sedadlo pri uličke
A seat next to the aisle. - Window seat – sedadlo pri okne
A seat next to the window. - Middle seat – stredné sedadlo
A seat between two other seats. - Cabin crew – palubný personál
The staff who take care of passengers on the plane. - Pilot – pilot
The person who flies the plane. - Takeoff – vzlietnutie
When a plane leaves the ground and starts flying. - Landing – pristátie
When a plane comes down to the ground. - Turbulence – turbulencia
Shaking caused by air movements during a flight. - Seatbelt – bezpečnostný pás
A belt that keeps you secure in your seat. - Tray table – skladací stolík
A small table that folds out from the seat in front of you.
4. Poplatky a služby (Fees and Services)
- Hidden fees – skryté poplatky
Unexpected costs not included in the ticket price. - Extra charge – dodatočný poplatok
An additional cost for services like luggage or meals. - Meal – jedlo
Food served on a flight. - Beverage – nápoj
Drinks offered on the plane. - No-frills – základný / bez dodatočných služieb
A basic service with no extra features. - Priority boarding – prednostné nastupovanie
The option to board the plane before other passengers. - Legroom – priestor na nohy
The space for your legs between seats. - In-flight entertainment – palubná zábava
Movies, music, or games offered during the flight. - Discount – zľava
A reduced price on a product or service. - Refund – vrátenie peňazí
Money returned if a flight is canceled.
5. Cestovanie (Traveling)
- Destination – cieľová destinácia
The place where you are traveling to. - Round trip – spiatočný let
A flight to a destination and back. - One-way flight – jednosmerný let
A flight to a destination without returning. - Budget traveler – cestovateľ s nízkym rozpočtom
Someone who travels on a limited budget. - Airline policy – politika leteckej spoločnosti
Rules set by an airline about luggage, seating, etc. - Travel insurance – cestovné poistenie
Insurance that protects you while traveling. - Red-eye flight – nočný let
A flight that takes place late at night. - Economy class – ekonomická trieda
The cheapest class of seats on a flight. - Frequent flyer – pravidelný cestujúci
Someone who flies very often. - Itinerary – itinerár / plán cesty
A schedule showing the details of your journey.

Najpoužívanejšie frázy (15 fráz)
- I found an amazing deal on a budget airline!
Našiel som úžasnú ponuku na nízkonákladovú leteckú spoločnosť! - How much luggage is allowed on this flight?
Koľko batožiny je povolené na tento let? - Did you book your tickets online?
Rezervoval si si letenky online? - I only travel with carry-on luggage to save money.
Cestujem len s príručnou batožinou, aby som ušetril peniaze. - The flight was delayed by two hours!
Let meškal dve hodiny! - We have a layover in Paris before our final destination.
Máme prestup v Paríži pred našou cieľovou destináciou. - They charge extra for checked baggage.
Účtujú si extra poplatok za zapísanú batožinu. - Make sure to check in online to avoid long lines.
Uisti sa, že sa odbavíš online, aby si sa vyhol dlhým radom. - I prefer sitting in an aisle seat for more legroom.
Preferujem sedadlo pri uličke pre viac miesta na nohy. - This airline has a strict baggage policy.
Táto letecká spoločnosť má prísne pravidlá o batožine. - Can I get a refund for my canceled flight?
Môžem dostať vrátenie peňazí za zrušený let? - The hidden fees made the ticket more expensive!
Skryté poplatky spravili letenku drahšou! - Priority boarding is worth it on crowded flights.
Prednostné nastupovanie stojí za to pri preplnených letoch. - I always look for low-cost airlines when planning trips.
Vždy hľadám nízkonákladové letecké spoločnosti, keď plánujem cesty. - Traveling light makes budget flights so much easier.
Cestovanie naľahko robí lacné lety oveľa jednoduchšími.
30 otázok na tému „Cestovanie low-cost leteckými spoločnosťami“
1. Osobné skúsenosti (Personal Experience)
- Have you ever traveled with a low-cost airline? Which one?
- What was your experience like flying with a budget airline?
- Do you prefer low-cost airlines or full-service airlines? Why?
- What is the farthest destination you’ve traveled to with a low-cost airline?
- How often do you use budget airlines for traveling?
2. Výhody a nevýhody (Pros and Cons)
- What are the main advantages of low-cost airlines?
- What are some disadvantages of flying with budget airlines?
- Do you think low-cost airlines save people a lot of money? Why or why not?
- Would you sacrifice comfort to save money on a flight?
- What do you think about the seats on budget airlines? Are they comfortable enough?
3. Plánovanie a ceny (Planning and Costs)
- How do you find cheap flight tickets with low-cost airlines?
- What is the cheapest flight you have ever booked? Where did you go?
- How far in advance do you usually book flights with budget airlines?
- Do you use apps or websites to compare prices of budget airlines? Which ones?
- Have you ever missed a cheap flight deal? What happened?
4. Príručná batožina a poplatky (Baggage and Fees)
- What do you think about the baggage policies of low-cost airlines?
- Do you usually travel with carry-on luggage only, or do you check a bag? Why?
- Have you ever had to pay extra for your luggage at the airport? How did you feel?
- How do you pack efficiently to fit everything into a small carry-on bag?
- Do you think the extra fees for luggage, seats, or meals are fair? Why or why not?
5. Služby na palube (Onboard Services)
- Do you usually buy food or drinks on a budget airline? Why or why not?
- How do you feel about airlines charging for in-flight meals and drinks?
- Would you pay extra for more legroom on a budget airline?
- How do you entertain yourself during a flight if there’s no in-flight entertainment?
- Do you think budget airlines should offer more free services? Which ones?
6. Cestovateľské tipy (Travel Tips)
- What tips would you give to someone flying with a budget airline for the first time?
- How do you avoid hidden fees when flying with low-cost airlines?
- What is the best strategy for finding the cheapest flights?
- Do you prefer early morning or late-night flights when traveling on a budget? Why?
- How do you deal with flight delays or cancellations when flying with a budget airline?
Tieto otázky pokrývajú rôzne aspekty low-cost cestovania, od plánovania a cien až po osobné skúsenosti a tipy na úspešné cestovanie. Sú ideálne na rozvoj konverzačných zručností a slovnej zásoby na úrovni intermediate až upper-intermediate. Odporúčame objednať si konverazčnú hodinu (alebo viac hodín) s našim vyškoleným lektorom alebo lektorkou, aby ste túto tematiku zvládli a slovíčka a frázy dostali do vašej aktívnej slovnej zásoby.✈️