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Vianočné trhy: Slovíčka, frázy a otázky na koverzáciu v angličtine

16. decembra 2024

Témou tohto článku je Christmas market alebo Vianočné trhy. Nájdeš v ňom najpoužívanejšie anglické slovíčka, frázy v angličtine, ktoré môžeš použiť a tiež námety na konverzáciu v angličtine. Porozprávaj sa po anglicky so spolužiakom alebo učiteľom a rozšír si tak slovnú zásobu z anglického jazyka rýchlo a jednoducho.

50 anglických slovíčok a 15 fráz v angličtine na tému „Vianočné trhy“

Slovník (50 slov)

  1. Christmas market – Vianočný trh
    A festive outdoor market that sells Christmas-related items.
  2. Stall – stánok
    A small shop or booth at a market.
  3. Mulled wine – varené víno
    Warm wine mixed with spices like cinnamon and cloves.
  4. Gingerbread – perník
    A sweet, spiced cookie often shaped like a person or house.
  5. Roasted chestnuts – pečené gaštany
    Chestnuts cooked over an open flame.
  6. Candied nuts – kandizované orechy
    Nuts coated in sugar and spices.
  7. Artisan – remeselník
    A person who makes handmade goods.
  8. Crafts – remeselné výrobky
    Handmade decorations or gifts.
  9. Bauble – ozdoba (na stromček)
    A round decoration for a Christmas tree.
  10. Wreath – veniec
    A circular decoration made of evergreen branches.
  11. Fairy lights – vianočné svetielka
    Small decorative lights often used at Christmas.
  12. Nativity scene – betlehem
    A display showing the birth of Jesus Christ.
  13. Carol singers – koledníci
    People who sing Christmas songs in public.
  14. Ornament – ozdoba
    A decoration, usually for a tree or a house.
  15. Hot chocolate – horúca čokoláda
    A warm drink made from cocoa and milk.
  16. Ice skating – korčuľovanie
    The activity of gliding on ice using skates.
  17. Spices – korenie
    Ingredients like cinnamon, nutmeg, or cloves used in festive recipes.
  18. Candles – sviečky
    Wax sticks that produce light when burned.
  19. Snow globe – snehová guľa
    A decorative item with a miniature scene inside that ‚snows‘ when shaken.
  20. Choir – zbor
    A group of people singing together.
  21. Souvenir – suvenír
    An item bought as a memory of a visit.
  22. Santa Claus – Santa Claus, Mikuláš
    A figure who brings gifts to children at Christmas.
  23. Stocking – pančucha
    A decorative sock filled with small gifts.
  24. Fireplace – krb
    A place in the home for a fire, often decorated at Christmas.
  25. Reindeer – sob
    A type of deer associated with Santa Claus.
  26. Christmas tree – vianočný stromček
    A decorated evergreen tree used for Christmas celebrations.
  27. Sleigh – sánky
    A vehicle for snow pulled by reindeer or horses.
  28. Festive – sviatočný
    Relating to celebration, especially Christmas.
  29. Lantern – lampáš
    A decorative light often seen at markets.
  30. Churros – churros
    Deep-fried dough pastries, often served with chocolate.
  31. Mistletoe – imelo
    A plant used as a Christmas decoration.
  32. Holly – cezmína
    A plant with spiky leaves and red berries used in decorations.
  33. Cider – mušt
    A warm drink made from fermented apples.
  34. Snowflake – snehová vločka
    A single flake of snow.
  35. Bell – zvonček
    A metal object that makes a ringing sound, often associated with Christmas.
  36. Singing – spev
    The activity of producing musical sounds with your voice.
  37. Fireworks – ohňostroj
    Explosions producing light and color, often used in celebrations.
  38. Seasonal – sezónny
    Related to a particular time of year.
  39. Festivities – oslavy
    Events or activities for celebration.
  40. Cheer – veselie
    A feeling of happiness or good spirits.
  41. Tinsel – pozlátko
    Shiny strips used as decoration on trees.
  42. Frost – mráz
    Thin ice that forms on surfaces in cold weather.
  43. Holiday spirit – sviatočná nálada
    The joyful feeling associated with Christmas.
  44. Treats – dobroty
    Special snacks or sweets.
  45. Hot cider – teplý mušt
    Warm, spiced apple juice.
  46. Handmade – ručne vyrobené
    Items crafted by hand rather than machines.
  47. Crowds – davy
    Large groups of people at a market or event.
  48. Winter coat – zimný kabát
    A heavy coat for cold weather.
  49. Snowman – snehuliak
    A figure made of snow, often with a carrot nose.
  50. Holiday season – sviatočné obdobie
    The time of year around Christmas and New Year.

15 najpoužívanejších fráz na tému Christmas Market

  1. I love the festive atmosphere at Christmas markets.
    Milujem sviatočnú atmosféru na Vianočných trhoch.
  2. Do you want to grab some mulled wine?
    Chceš si dať varené víno?
  3. Let’s look for some handmade decorations.
    Poďme hľadať ručne vyrobené ozdoby.
  4. This gingerbread smells amazing!
    Tento perník úžasne vonia!
  5. What’s your favorite Christmas treat?
    Aká je tvoja obľúbená vianočná dobrota?
  6. Can you hear the carol singers?
    Počuješ tých koledníkov?
  7. Let’s take a picture by the Christmas tree.
    Odfoťme sa pri vianočnom stromčeku.
  8. The lights make everything so magical.
    Svetielka robia všetko také magické.
  9. Do you want to try ice skating later?
    Chceš si neskôr skúsiť korčuľovanie?
  10. These stalls are so beautifully decorated!
    Tieto stánky sú tak krásne vyzdobené!
  11. What souvenirs should we buy for family?
    Aké suveníry by sme mali kúpiť pre rodinu?
  12. This market is much bigger than last year.
    Tento trh je oveľa väčší ako minulý rok.
  13. I can’t wait to try the roasted chestnuts.
    Nemôžem sa dočkať, kým ochutnám pečené gaštany.
  14. The choir is singing my favorite carol.
    Zbor spieva moju obľúbenú koledu.
  15. It’s freezing, but the hot cider helps!
    Je mrazivo, ale teplý mušt pomáha!

Tieto slovíčka a frázy sa hodia na precvičovanie slovnej zásoby, ktorá sa bežne používa pri návšteve Vianočných trhov.

30 konverzačných otázok na tému „Vianočné trhy“ alebo Christmas Market

Osobné skúsenosti a tradície

  1. Have you ever visited a Christmas market? If so, where was it?
  2. What do you usually enjoy most at Christmas markets?
  3. Are Christmas markets popular in your country?
  4. Do you prefer traditional or modern Christmas markets? Why?
  5. Have you ever tried any local specialties at a Christmas market?
  6. How do you feel when walking through a Christmas market?
  7. Do you think Christmas markets are more about shopping or the holiday atmosphere?
  8. What’s the best Christmas market you’ve ever been to?

Jedlo a nápoje (Food & Drinks)

  1. What is your favorite Christmas market snack?
  2. Have you ever tried mulled wine? What did you think of it?
  3. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods at Christmas markets?
  4. Have you ever eaten roasted chestnuts or gingerbread at a Christmas market?
  5. Do you think food at Christmas markets is overpriced? Why or why not?
  6. What kind of hot drinks are usually served at Christmas markets in your country?

Dekorácie a darčeky (Decorations & Gifts)

  1. Do you usually buy Christmas decorations at the market?
  2. What’s the most unique gift you’ve seen at a Christmas market?
  3. Do you prefer handmade gifts or store-bought ones?
  4. Have you ever made or bought an advent wreath at a Christmas market?
  5. What is the most common decoration you notice at these markets?

Atmosféra a aktivity (Atmosphere & Activities)

  1. What do you think makes the atmosphere of Christmas markets so special?
  2. Do you enjoy listening to carol singers or live music at the market?
  3. Have you ever taken part in any activities at a Christmas market, like ice skating or crafts?
  4. Do you like the lights and decorations at Christmas markets? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think Christmas markets are suitable for children, or are they more for adults?

Kultúrne rozdiely a vnímanie (Cultural Differences & Perceptions)

  1. How are Christmas markets different in various countries you know about?
  2. Are there any Christmas market traditions in your country that are unique?
  3. Have you ever experienced a Christmas market in another country? What was it like?
  4. What would you recommend a tourist to try at a Christmas market in your hometown?

Plány a budúcnosť (Plans & Future)

  1. Are you planning to visit any Christmas markets this year?
  2. If you could design your own Christmas market, what would it look like?