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Cvičenie v gyme: slovíčka, frázy a konverzačné otázky (angličtina)

13. januára 2025

Česi majú taký pekný výraz na tých, ktorí si dajú predsavzatie a začínajú cvičiť v januári. Volajú ich ledňáci. A keďže je január, náš seriál nemôže pokračovať inou témou ako je cvičenie vo fitness centre alebo gyme.

30 otázok na tému „Cvičenie vo fitness centre“

1. Všeobecné otázky (General Questions)

  1. How often do you go to the gym?
  2. What’s your favorite type of exercise in the gym?
  3. Do you prefer working out alone or with a partner? Why?
  4. What motivates you to work out regularly?
  5. Do you have a fitness goal? If yes, what is it?
  6. How do you feel after a good workout?
  7. What time of day do you prefer to exercise? Morning, afternoon, or evening?
  8. Do you enjoy group fitness classes? Why or why not?
  9. Have you ever had a personal trainer? If yes, how was the experience?
  10. What’s your opinion on gyms that are open 24/7?

2. Výbava a prostredie (Equipment and Environment)

  1. What is your favorite gym machine or piece of equipment?
  2. Do you prefer free weights or machines? Why?
  3. What do you think makes a gym comfortable to work out in?
  4. How important is music in the gym for you?
  5. Do you bring your own gym accessories, like a yoga mat or resistance bands?
  6. What do you think about gyms with a sauna or swimming pool?
  7. Do you pay attention to hygiene in the gym?
  8. What’s the most important feature of a good gym?
  9. Have you ever tried outdoor gym equipment? How was it?
  10. Do you prefer a gym with lots of natural light or one with a darker atmosphere?

3. Tréningy a programy (Workouts and Programs)

  1. Do you follow a specific workout plan or just do what feels right?
  2. Have you ever tried circuit training? What did you think about it?
  3. What’s your favorite cardio exercise?
  4. How do you incorporate stretching into your workout?
  5. Have you ever tried high-intensity interval training (HIIT)?
  6. What’s the most challenging workout you’ve ever done?
  7. How do you track your progress in the gym?
  8. Do you ever change your workout routine? Why or why not?
  9. Have you ever tried yoga or Pilates in a gym setting?
  10. Do you think it’s important to include rest days in your fitness plan?

Tieto otázky umožnia rozvíjať rôzne témy spojené s fitness centrami, od osobných preferencií až po konkrétne tréningy. 😊

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Vyber 50 slovíčok a 15 fráz v angličtine so slovenským prekladom aj anglickým vysvetlením, ktoré sa bežne vyskystujú v tejto téme.

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50 slovíčok a 15 fráz na tému „Cvičenie vo fitness centre“

Slovník (50 slov)

1. Všeobecné pojmy (General Terms)

  1. Fitness – fitness, kondícia
    The state of being physically healthy and strong.
  2. Gym – posilňovňa
    A place with equipment for physical exercise.
  3. Workout – tréning
    A session of physical exercise.
  4. Cardio – kardio
    Exercises that raise your heart rate and improve cardiovascular health.
  5. Strength training – silový tréning
    Exercises designed to increase muscle strength.
  6. Warm-up – rozcvička
    Light exercises to prepare your body for a workout.
  7. Cooldown – ochladenie
    Light exercises or stretching done after a workout.
  8. Flexibility – flexibilita, ohybnosť
    The ability to move your joints easily.
  9. Endurance – výdrž
    The ability to sustain physical activity for a long time.
  10. Rest day – deň odpočinku
    A day taken off from exercising to recover.

2. Výbava (Equipment)

  1. Dumbbell – jednoručná činka
    A small bar with weights on both ends.
  2. Barbell – veľká činka
    A long bar with weights attached at both ends.
  3. Kettlebell – kettlebell
    A weight shaped like a ball with a handle on top.
  4. Resistance band – odporová guma
    An elastic band used for strength training.
  5. Treadmill – bežecký pás
    A machine for running or walking indoors.
  6. Elliptical trainer – eliptický trenažér
    A machine that mimics walking or running.
  7. Stationary bike – stacionárny bicykel
    A bike that stays in one place for indoor cycling.
  8. Rowing machine – veslovací stroj
    A machine that simulates rowing.
  9. Yoga mat – joga podložka
    A mat used for yoga or stretching exercises.
  10. Pull-up bar – hrazda
    A bar used for pull-up exercises.

3. Časti tela a pohyby (Body Parts and Movements)

  1. Muscle – sval
    Tissue in the body that produces movement.
  2. Core – stred tela
    The muscles around your abdomen and lower back.
  3. Glutes – sedacie svaly
    The muscles in your buttocks.
  4. Quads – kvadricepsy (stehenné svaly)
    The muscles in the front of your thighs.
  5. Hamstrings – hamstringy
    The muscles in the back of your thighs.
  6. Biceps – bicepsy
    The muscles in the front of your upper arms.
  7. Triceps – tricepsy
    The muscles in the back of your upper arms.
  8. Chest – hruď
    The front part of the upper body.
  9. Lunges – výpady
    A movement where you step forward and bend your knees.
  10. Squats – drepy
    A movement where you lower your body by bending your knees.

4. Typy cvičení (Types of Exercises)

  1. Push-up – klik
    An exercise where you push your body up using your arms.
  2. Sit-up – sed-ľah
    An exercise for strengthening abdominal muscles.
  3. Plank – plank
    An exercise where you hold a push-up position.
  4. Deadlift – mŕtvy ťah
    A weightlifting exercise where you lift a barbell from the ground.
  5. Bench press – tlak na lavičke
    An exercise where you push a barbell upwards while lying on a bench.
  6. Pull-up – zhyb
    An exercise where you lift your body using a pull-up bar.
  7. Burpee – burpee (kombinované cvičenie)
    A full-body exercise involving a squat, jump, and push-up.
  8. Crunch – sklápačka
    An exercise for strengthening the abs, similar to a sit-up.
  9. Rowing – veslovanie
    A motion used on a rowing machine.
  10. Stretching – naťahovanie
    Exercises to increase flexibility and prevent injury.

5. Ďalšie pojmy (Other Terms)

  1. Trainer – tréner
    A person who helps you with your workouts.
  2. Membership – členstvo
    A subscription to use a gym regularly.
  3. Reps – opakovania
    The number of times you perform an exercise.
  4. Set – séria
    A group of reps done together.
  5. Progress – pokrok
    The improvement you make over time.
  6. Overtraining – pretrénovanie
    Exercising too much without proper rest.
  7. Sweat – pot
    The liquid your body produces when you exercise.
  8. Calories – kalórie
    Units of energy burned during exercise.
  9. Hydration – hydratácia
    Drinking enough water during and after exercise.
  10. Energy – energia
    The strength and vitality needed for physical activity.

Frázy (15 fráz)

  1. I’m going to the gym after work.
    Idem do posilňovne po práci.
  2. What’s your favorite exercise in the gym?
    Aké je tvoje obľúbené cvičenie v posilňovni?
  3. Can you show me how to use this machine?
    Môžeš mi ukázať, ako používať tento stroj?
  4. I’m trying to build muscle.
    Snažím sa nabrať svaly.
  5. Do you track your progress in the gym?
    Sleduješ si svoj pokrok v posilňovni?
  6. Don’t forget to stretch before your workout!
    Nezabudni sa pred tréningom natiahnuť!
  7. I feel great after a good workout.
    Cítim sa skvele po dobrom tréningu.
  8. How much weight should I lift for this exercise?
    Koľko váhy by som mal zdvíhať pri tomto cvičení?
  9. Can you spot me during this set?
    Môžeš ma istiť počas tejto série?
  10. I need to focus on my core strength.
    Potrebujem sa zamerať na silu stredu tela.
  11. Do you prefer free weights or machines?
    Preferuješ voľné činky alebo stroje?
  12. What’s your favorite post-workout snack?
    Aký je tvoj obľúbený snack po tréningu?
  13. I’m working on my endurance this month.
    Tento mesiac pracujem na svojej výdrži.
  14. The gym is really crowded today!
    Posilňovňa je dnes naozaj plná!
  15. I need to take a rest day tomorrow.
    Zajtra si musím dať deň odpočinku.

Tento slovník a frázy pokrývajú širokú škálu pojmov a situácií, ktoré sa v posilňovni môžu vyskytnúť. Ak potrebuješ niečo doplniť, daj vedieť! 😊