Kriminálne seriály a filmy sú populárne na celom svete. Ak ťa baví táto tematika, určite odporúčame pozerať ich v anglickom znení. Okrem zábavy sa tak budeš výrazne zlepšovať aj v angličtine.
Pozri si a skús sa naučiť po anglicky 15 fráz, 50 slovíčok so slovenským prekladom aj anglickým vysvetlením a 30 anglických otázok na konverzáciu. Všetky na tému Krimiseriály.
Prečo odporúčam sledovať všetky seriály
Ak sa učíš angličtinu alebo iný cudzí jazyk, je vždy dobré, keď sa jazykom obklopíš čo najviac. Seriály sú na to ideálne z viacerých dôvodov. V prvom rade – vyberieme si seriály, ktoré nás bavia. Majú mnoho častí, kde sa slovná zásoba viac či menej opakuje. Tiež hlavné postavy sú viacmenej tie isté, a tak na ich prízvuk, tempo reči, prejav a slovnú zásobu máme čas si zvyknúť. Môžeš si vybrať akékoľvek seriály – okrem kriminálnych napríklad dokumentárne, dramatické, komediálne, rodinné, romantické, historické alebo akčné.
Dôležité je, aby ťa to bavilo – vtedy je oveľa väčšia šanca, že to vydržíš dlho a prinesie ti to úspech aj v učení sa cudzieho jazyka. Druhou dôležitou vecou je práve vydržať – aj ak budeš mať pocit, že je to zbytočné a že ani po mnohých častiach seriálu sa nezlepšuješ, je to klamlivý pocit – ak sa obklopíš originálnym jazykom, nikdy neurobíš chybu.
15 fráz v angličtine na tému Krimi seriály
(Anglická fráza – Slovenský preklad – Anglické vysvetlenie)
- “You’re under arrest!” – Ste zatknutý! – What police say when taking someone into custody.
- “The suspect is at large.” – Podozrivý je na úteku. – The suspect has not been caught yet.
- “We need to gather more evidence.” – Musíme zhromaždiť viac dôkazov. – Investigators need additional proof.
- “What’s your alibi?” – Aké je vaše alibi? – A question to verify where someone was at the time of the crime.
- “The case is closed.” – Prípad je uzavretý. – The investigation has been completed.
- “We have a lead.” – Máme stopu. – The police have useful information about the case.
- “Book him!” – Zapíšte ho! – A command to formally record the arrest.
- “We’re putting you under surveillance.” – Sledujeme vás. – Someone is being monitored closely.
- “The jury is deliberating.” – Porota sa radí. – The jury is discussing the case before making a decision.
- “He’s a person of interest.” – Je podozrivý. – Someone who may be involved in the crime.
- “He was caught red-handed.” – Bol chytený priamo pri čine. – Someone was caught while committing a crime.
- “What’s the motive?” – Aký je motív? – Asking about the reason for committing the crime.
- “We have a confession.” – Máme priznanie. – The suspect has admitted guilt.
- “It’s an open-and-shut case.” – Je to jasný prípad. – A case that is easy to solve.
- “He’s going to testify in court.” – Bude svedčiť na súde. – Someone is going to give evidence in a trial.
50 anglických slovíčok z krimiseriálov
(Anglické slovo – Slovenský preklad – Anglické vysvetlenie)
- Evidence – dôkaz – Information used to support a case in an investigation or trial.
- Suspect – podozrivý – A person believed to be involved in a crime.
- Witness – svedok – Someone who saw or heard a crime happen.
- Crime scene – miesto činu – The location where a crime occurred.
- Forensics – forenzná analýza – Scientific methods used to solve crimes.
- Motive – motív – The reason someone commits a crime.
- Alibi – alibi – Proof that someone was not at the crime scene.
- Homicide – vražda – The act of killing another person.
- Robbery – lúpež – Stealing something using force or threats.
- Burglary – vlámanie – Entering a building to commit theft or another crime.
- Fraud – podvod – Deliberately deceiving someone for financial gain.
- Arson – podpaľačstvo – Intentionally setting a building on fire.
- Assault – útok – Physically harming another person.
- Kidnapping – únos – Taking someone away illegally.
- Defendant – obžalovaný – A person accused of a crime in court.
- Prosecutor – prokurátor – A lawyer who presents the case against the defendant.
- Jury – porota – A group of people who decide if the defendant is guilty.
- Sentence – trest – The punishment given to someone found guilty.
- Plea – obhajoba/priznanie – The statement of guilt or innocence by the defendant.
- Parole – podmienečné prepustenie – Early release from prison with certain conditions.
- Verdict – rozsudok – The decision made by a jury or judge.
- Arrest – zatknutie – To take someone into police custody.
- Interrogation – výsluch – The process of questioning a suspect or witness.
- Search warrant – povolenie na prehliadku – A legal document allowing police to search property.
- Fingerprint – odtlačok prsta – A unique print left by a person’s finger.
- DNA – DNA – Biological evidence used to identify a person.
- Confession – priznanie – Admitting to committing a crime.
- Undercover – tajný – Working in disguise to investigate a crime.
- Detective – detektív – Someone who investigates crimes.
- Surveillance – sledovanie – Watching a person or place to gather evidence.
- Culprit – vinník – The person responsible for a crime.
- Accomplice – komplic – Someone who helps commit a crime.
- Perjury – krivá výpoveď – Lying in court under oath.
- Blackmail – vydieranie – Threatening to reveal information unless paid or obeyed.
- Embezzlement – sprenevera – Stealing money from an employer or organization.
- Ransom – výkupné – Money demanded for the release of a kidnapped person.
- Felony – závažný trestný čin – A serious crime like murder or robbery.
- Misdemeanor – menej závažný trestný čin – A minor crime like vandalism.
- Autopsy – pitva – An examination of a body to determine the cause of death.
- Victim – obeť – A person harmed or affected by a crime.
- Patrol – hliadka – Police monitoring an area.
- Warrant – príkaz – Legal permission for arrest or search.
- Corruption – korupcia – Dishonest or illegal behavior, especially by people in power.
- Informer – informátor – Someone who provides information to the police.
- Evidence bag – obal na dôkazy – A secure bag used to store evidence.
- Case file – spis prípadu – Documents related to a criminal investigation.
- Bail – kaucia – Money paid for temporary release from jail.
- Lie detector – detektor lži – A device used to determine if someone is lying.
- Survivor – preživší – Someone who lives through a crime or dangerous event.
- Recidivist – recidivista – A person who repeatedly commits crimes.
Nauč sa tieto slovíčka na použi ich vo vetách. Nižšie nájdeš aj otázky, v ktorých si slovíčka a frázy môžeš precvičiť. Nasledujúce otázky sú vhodné na úroveň intermediate až upper-intermediate.
Tipy na konverzáciu na tému Krimi
Všeobecné otázky o kriminálnych seriáloch
- What is your favorite crime TV show, and why?
- Can you describe the main character of your favorite crime series?
- Do you prefer crime shows about detectives, lawyers, or criminals?
- How often do you watch crime series in English?
- Which crime series do you think has the most realistic storyline?
- Are you more interested in the investigation or the courtroom drama in crime shows?
Slovná zásoba z vyšetrovania:
- What does the word „evidence“ mean in a crime show context?
- Can you name three types of evidence investigators might look for?
- What is the difference between a “suspect” and a “witness”?
- Have you ever heard the term “forensic evidence”? What does it include?
- What does “interrogation” mean, and why is it important in solving crimes?
- What is a “crime scene,” and who works there?
- Can you explain what a “motive” is in a crime story?
Slovná zásoba z právneho systému:
- What is the role of a “defendant” in a crime series?
- Can you describe what a “prosecutor” does?
- What is the difference between a “trial” and a “hearing”?
- What does the phrase “plead guilty” mean?
- Do you know the meaning of “beyond a reasonable doubt”?
- Can you explain the role of a “jury” in court?
- What is a “sentence,” and how is it decided?
Kriminálne činy a tresty:
- What are some common crimes mentioned in crime shows?
- Can you explain the difference between “theft” and “robbery”?
- What does “premeditated murder” mean?
- What is “white-collar crime,” and can you give an example?
- What is the punishment for “fraud” in your opinion?
- Can you describe what “organized crime” is?
Diskusia a názory:
- Do you think crime shows teach you something about the real world? Why or why not?
- Do you believe crime TV shows influence people’s perception of justice?
- If you were a character in a crime show, what role would you want to play? (Detective, lawyer, suspect, etc.)
- Do you think people can learn English from watching crime series? If yes, what kind of vocabulary?
Tieto otázky môžu slúžiť ako základ pre diskusiu aj praktické precvičovanie novej slovnej zásoby. Využiť ich môžete tiež na hodinách angličtiny v siskusii s lektorom alebo medzi študentami.